The Gio Ponti Archives are located in premises that were Gio Ponti's office, the building he designed and lived in on Via Dezza 49, Milan.

The data bank Gio Ponti Archives is based on photographic materials from the study of Gio Ponti, reorganized by his daughter Lisa in the mid-eighties on the occasion of the book Gio Ponti, l'opera by Lisa Ponti, and from important additions in photos, profiling and data collections carried out by Salvatore Licitra from 1996 onwards.

"Archives" is plural in order to express the aim of creating a database for Gio Ponti which will succeed in relating information and materials of different kinds, properties and origins.

This approach is essential if we are to give an adequate account of Ponti's work and achievement, as he was engaged on multiple fronts, from architecture to product design, from communication to art, and by nature and temperament inclined to form relationships and experiment widely.

The task of the database of the Gio Ponti Archives is thus also to compose the richest possible mosaic of the background against which he moved, for the reasons explained above and in the knowledge that in those years (1920-70) art, architecture and design in Italy attained peaks of quality subsequently unequalled.